Wildfires and other natural disasters can impact
important cultural resources. PWORA believes that OHV trail volunteers have
an increasingly important non-fire related or post-wildfire recovery roles to
play in assisting BLM and Forest Service Archeologists as site stewards to help
protect/monitor cultural sites.
Motorized trail volunteers have important skillsets as
they are equipped to travel long distances and can access remote archeological
sites under supervision by the BLM or Forest Archeologist.
Chris Lloyd, the BLM Archaeologist at the Ukiah Field
Office, has alerted PWORA that the BLM is hosting a 2-day heritage site
stewardship class hosted within the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument
(BSMNM). This class will be provided for
people who are interested in becoming archaeological site monitors within the
BSMNM and on other lands managed by the BLM, Ukiah Field Office.
This opportunity will take place on Saturday, September
28th and Sunday, September 29th. The
event is hosted by the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program - CASSP - http://www.cassp.org/ - - and will take place at the UC Davis McLaughlin Reserve
from 9-am to 4:30-pm (26775 Morgan Valley Rd, Lower Lake). The first day will include presentations and
discussions regarding local archaeology, safety, the law and archaeology,
environmental responsibility, confidentiality, discussions about encountering
the public in various situations where safety, environmental ethics, and
respect for private property are discussed.
The second day consists of a field trip to practice site visit
procedures and recording observations.
Our maximum class size is 25. For those that are interested in
participating please supply your name, phone number, and email address to BLM
Archaeologist Christopher Lloyd. His
contact information is listed below.
Please RSVP only if you can attend both days and are interested in
helping monitor cultural sites on federal lands (w/ a commitment of roughly
once per month). There is a $25 fee for
participation which includes a Society for California Archaeology membership - https://scahome.org/ - as well as helps pay for
materials. For those that are interested
in lessening their commute time for the next day, the McLaughlin Reserve has an
established campground at $10 night.
There are also several hotels in and around the town of Clear Lake.
RSVP Contact Information:
Christopher Lloyd, M.A.
BLM Archaeologist
Phone: (707)468.4075
Email: crlloyd@blm.gov
As a site steward, I hope that some in the OHV community
will take advantage of this opportunity for OHV to build our capacity to help
federal agencies protect/monitor important cultural resources for future
Don Amador, President/CEO
Post Wildfire OHV Recovery Alliance
Email: Damador@pwora.org
Web: www.pwora.org