Sunday, March 15, 2020

PWORA RESPONSE TO COVID-19 - Cancelled Events and Volunteerism

PWORA Rapid Response Trailer

PWORA RESPONSE TO COVID-19 – Cancelled Events and Volunteerism

Over the last couple of months while the Covid-19 virus was in its early stage in the USA, PWORA has been continuing its work to build capacity to help restore and recovery OHV recreation facilities impacted by natural disasters.  Many of those efforts include submitting CA OHV grant applications, working on our FS Master Agreement, trail tractor training, and offering FS approved chainsaw classes.

In addition, one of those efforts was to obtain an 8.5 x 20ft. Rapid Response Trailer (RRT) to help deliver assets to help with volunteer recovery efforts.  On March 13, 2020, PWORA picked up our RRT (funded by a generous grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative) and are now in the process of getting  it outfitted with logos/decals and equipment/supplies.

Today, we are facing the Covid-19 crisis which is another type of natural disaster.  Covid 19 is not just restricted to forest lands in California but is impacting people, jobs, travel, schools, and other activities – including powersports related events - on a worldwide basis.

As OHV and other competition events continue to be cancelled or rescheduled, PWORA will be working with our land agency partners to identify volunteer trail days for small OHV strike teams (small groups of 3-5 people) since many jurisdictions have limits on group size during the crisis.

If you would like to support or sponsor any of PWORA’s programs or help with outfitting our RRT please make a donation at the PWORA website –

Getting through this crisis is a team effort and PWORA appreciates your willingness to help serve.

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PWORA is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded to protect and restore sustainable OHV recreation from the devastating effects of intense wildfires and other natural disasters. PWORA will collaborate with a diverse array of multi-interest strategic partners to mobilize volunteers and deploy resources to mitigate post-disaster impacts to recreation areas.  Website:

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